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Whatever medium you're in, we help you say it better

An image makes its impact immediately. It snags the eye, draws it in, and opens a door onto the world of your business. To fill that world with meaning, however, we turn to language.

Language works slowly. It takes time to read the words and time to write them. But if they are arranged with care and skill, the rest of the world falls away. The reader's attention is held fast, and suddenly you are in direct contact with customers and clients. But the spell can be broken easily. A poorly chosen phrase pushes customers away. A muddled sentence creates confusion instead of clarity. Your reader's attention wanders.

Mistakes Are Embarrassing

There is a difference between speaking and writing. If it is to be effective, your business writing must be clear in its expression. It must also be absolutely free of errors — and the rules of grammar and punctuation are often counterintuitive. A decade of working in the field has taught Trifecta that microscopic attention to detail is as essential to building a paragraph as it is to building an automobile.

Because you're only one typographical error away from an embarrassing mistake, let us clean up your copy, check your spelling, weigh each word, and put the semicolons and apostrophes in the right places.

We Know Writing

Drawing on a decade's experience in writing for national publications and companies, we offer a complete writing service. Whether the medium is print, television, the web, or radio; whether you need to persuade, inform, or entertain; whatever the size of your project or company, we translate your world of ideas into language. You are what you say you are. Let us help you say it.



721 W. Main St.

Lexington, Kentucky 40508


P 859.303.4663

F 859.305.1674

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